Death, Dying, and the Afterlife
Death serves as the horizon against which our lives unfold and shapes the choices we make about how to live. In fact, the knowledge of mortality has inspired much of human activity—religion, philosophy, music and visual arts, even...
In This Series

Death’s Place in Our Lives

Defining Death

Death, Illusion, and Meaning

Is It Rational to Fear Death?

Understanding and Coping with Grief

Death Rituals and the Corpse

American Death Rituals

Approaches to Dying Well

Judaism on Death and the Afterlife

Death and Hope in Christianity

Islam on Returning to God

Death, Rebirth, and Liberation in Hinduism

Buddhism on Impermanence and Mindfulness

The Process of Dying in Tibetan Buddhism

Confucian Remembrance, Daoist Forgetting

Death and Syncretism in China

Suicide Examined

The Choice of Euthanasia

Killing in War and the Pacifist Challenge

Considering Capital Punishment

Killing Non-Human Animals

Near-Death Experiences

The Pursuit of Immortality

The Value of Death